... and I keep dancing

Welcome to my Argentine Tango blog! I began this blog about a year after starting to dance Argentine Tango. That year had been both wonderful and frustrating. I started recording my progress and feelings from that point on... and both wonder and frustration have continued, only even more intensely.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Turning the corner on milonga

Tonight was very good at the Belmont milonga. It wasn't very crowded so there was plenty of room to move around. I was able to launch into a milonga and add some "transpie" steps that I made up. Photogal was surprised and very complimentary. I may have turned a corner on the milonga... She kept asking where I had taken milonga classes but, oddly, except for a couple of classes, milonga has been "coming" to me very naturally. I wish I could say the same for regular tango.

Speaking of Milonga... here is a great performance (I have a long way to go!)

Dancing with Misterycat was sweet as usual. She has a low energy, almost "depressed" but sweet quality and smile that intreague me, but I am worried that she may be dealing with real problems. Unfortunately she has been very reserved about her life, so I am just happpy to dance with her whenever I see her at the Belmont milonga.

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